
Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa and Blake Ives, "Executive Involvement and Participation in the Management of Information Technology ", MIS Quarterly, Jun, 1991, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp 205-227.



The "executive involvement" construct is measured by items indicated by
an "I". 

The "executive participation" construct is measured by items indicated
by a "P". 

"Progressive use of IT in the firm" was measured by the single item
indicated by a "U"


ID Number  ____________________________

This questionnaire is intended for the most senior information systems
executive within your firm.  If you are not that individual please
forward the entire packet to him or her. 

1.  Please provide the title of the person you report to: _________________

(P) 2.  How many levels are you from the Chief Executive Officer of the

1	2	3	4	5	6

3.  How many years have you held your current position?	

1	2	3	4	5	more than 5

4.  To the best of your knowledge, how many years has your firm's Chief
Executive Officer been in his or her current position?

1      2      3      4      5      6      7     8      9      10 

more than 10

(I) 5.  Which of the following statements best describes the importance that
your CEO perceives IT to be for your firm?

6		5		4		3		2
Considers IT	Considers IT	Considers IT	Considers IT	Considers IT
as the single	as one of the	to be vital for	to be one of	to be the
most critical	vital parts of	smooth func-	many ways to	concern of
factor for the	the competi-	tioning of	cut costs in	technologists
firm.		tive strategy	operations.	the firm.	not managers
								but sup-
								portive of IT.

Has little 
concern for
the potential 
utility of IT.

Optional comment   _________________________________________________

(P) 6.  How often does the CEO get personally involved in matters related to
the use of IT within the firm?	

5	4	3         2	      1	
daily	weekly	monthly	  few times   less than				
			  a year      once a year

Optional comment ____________________________________________________

(P) 7.  How frequent are informal contacts between the CEO and the firm's
senior IT management?	

5	4	3         2	      1	
daily	weekly	monthly	  few times   less than				
			  a year      once a year

Optional comment ____________________________________________________

(P) 8.  How knowledgeable is the CEO about IT opportunities and
possibilities for your firm?

5		4		3		2		1
extremely	very		well		somewhat	weakly
knowledgeable	informed	informed	informed	informed

Optional comment  ___________________________________________________

(P) 9.  How knowledgeable is the CEO about IT innovations that have been
developed by major competitors?

5		4		3		2		1
extremely	very		well		somewhat	weakly
knowledgeable	informed	informed	informed	informed

Optional comment: ______________________________________________________

(U) 10.  How would you describe your firm's use of information technology?

5		4		3		2		1
industry	close		middle		somewhat	laggard
leader		follower	of the pack	behind

Optional comment ______________________________________________________

11.  Is there a research and development (R & D) budget for investments
in IT?

1	2		3			4
no	yes, but	Yes, we have		yes, we are probably	
        inadequate for	a modest budget		an industry leader in	
	for our needs	for piloting		discretionary funding
			new technologies.	for investments in
						emerging information

Optional comment ______________________________________________________

(I) 12.  Which of the following best describes the CEO's prevailing thinking
about funds the firm spend on IT?

1				2			3	
Views IT as an		Views IT as a resource		Views IT as a
expense to be		to be allocated fairly		strategic investment.
controlled		across organizational units.		

Optional comment _______________________________________________________

(I) 13.  How often does your CEO endorse major IT investments that have not
been endorsed by traditional justification criteria and procedures?

1	3		5
rarely	occasionally	frequently        Optional comment ______________

(P) 14.  Which of the following best describes the CEO's role in the
corporate IT steering committee?

5		4		3		2		  1
is the defacto	chairs an IT	is a member	IT committee	  no 
steering	committee	of the IT	exists, but with  committee
committee	and actively	steering	minimal CEO	  exists.	
participates	committee.	input or		
in meetings.			awareness.

Optional comment ____________________________________________________

(I) 15.  What is the CEO's vision for IT?

4			3			2
a strong but		a technical vision	a functional vision
generic vision,		of how the firm will	of how the firm will
use IT			use IT					
('we will be the	('we will		('95% of	
industry leader in	install a worldwide	customer calls will
the use of advanced	communications		be handled with no
information		network')		call back.')

no stated vision
expressed for IT.

16.  Does the CEO personally use information technology?

4			3			2		1
CEO makes heavy		CEO makes		CEO is not a	CEO has no
use of IT via		symbolic use of		user of IT but	personal 
electronic mail, with	IT (e.g. PC in the	insists that	involvement 
personal computer,	office, but only	his or her	with
executive information	occasional use.)	office make	computers.
system.						use of IT.

17.  What firm do you consider to be the information technology leader
in your industry?


Would you like a copy of the paper we referred to in the cover letter?

No	Yes (if new address please specify)	Thank you very much for your