As our surveys site is sometimes reached by those in other disciplines,
we though it might be useful if we provided a limited list of other
survey compendiums of which we are aware. While it is not a high
priority to maintain this list, we will nonetheless add to it any
reasonably recommended sources that we receive, thus your comments,
corrections, and suggestions for additions are most welcome. Newer
editions of these sources may well be available.
Beere, C. A., Women and Women's Issues: A Handbook of Tests and Measures, San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass, 1979.
Buros, O.K. (ed.), The Eighth Mental Measurements Yearbook: Volume II, Highland Park, New Jersey: The Gryphon Press, 1978.
Frankenburg, W. K., and B. W. Camp, Pediatric Screening Tests, Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1975.
Johnson, O. G., Tests and Measurements in Child Development: Handbook II: Volume 1, San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass, 1976.
Miller, Delbert C., Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement, (5th ed.), Newbury Park, California Sage Publications, Inc., 1991.
Pfeiffer, J. W., R. Heslin, and J. E. Jones, Instrumentation in Human Relations Training: A Guide to 92 Instruments with Wide Application to the Behavioral Sciences, (2nd ed.),. La Jolla, California: University Associates, Inc., 1973.
Price, J. L., Handbook of Organizational Measurement, Lexington, Massachusetts: D. C. Heath and Company, 1972.
Robinson, J. P., R. Athanasiou, and K. B. Head, "Measures of Occupational Attitudes and Occupational Characteristics." Appendix A to Measures of Political Attitudes, Third Printing (Draft), Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress 75-62796, February 1969.
Zmud, R. W., and A. C. Boynton, "Survey Measures and Instruments in
MIS: Inventory and Appraisal." In K. Kraemer (ed.), The Information
Systems Research Challenge: Survey Research Methods, Boston: Harvard
Business School, 1991, pp 149-180. [has a list of organization-related
instruments, too]