About MIS Quarterly
Editorial Objective
The editorial objective of the MIS Quarterly is the enhancement and communication of knowledge concerning the development of IT-based services, the management of IT resources, and the use, impact, and economics of IT with managerial, organizational, and societal implications. Professional issues affecting the IS field as a whole are also in the purview of the journal.
The MIS Quarterly’s vision is to publish the finest information systems scholarship. Throughout MISQ’s history, each Editor-in-Chief has worked with the Editorial Board to advance this vision. You can read the most recent vision statements in the opening editorial of Arun Rai’s EIC term, focusing on improving MISQ’s impact, range, and speed, and the opening editorial of Andrew Burton-Jones’ EIC term, focusing on improving MISQ’s service for authors, external stakeholders, and science.
Expectations on Contribution
Regardless of whether an IS researcher’s attention to a problem originates in the practical world or a theoretical domain or some combination, the researcher needs to surface why answering the question will matter.
A necessary condition for publication in MISQ is that the answer to a research question needs to make a significant scholarly contribution to the IS discipline.
Practical utility, where the work makes or has the potential to make a broader impact on business and society, is a highly desirable characteristic of work targeted at MISQ—it complements, but does not substitute for, the scholarly contribution of the work.
Aesthetics, arising from the “powerful simplicity” of the answer—be it mathematical or qualitative, can be an important differentiator of the work.
As such, an ideal contribution to MISQ is one where the answer to the question is valuable on all three dimensions—scholarly, practical utility, and aesthetics.
Interdisciplinary papers are welcomed at MISQ, with the expectation that these papers place salience on the role of IS in the formulation of the problem and consequently in the contribution.
Authors are encouraged to read the following editorial to understand MISQ expectations on contributions and common errors in formulating IS research problems: Avoiding Type III Errors: Formulating IS Research Problems that Matter.
Impact Factors
2023 Journal Impact Factor: 7.0
Impact factor w/o journal self cites: 6.7
Five-year impact factor: 10.4
Immediacy Index: 1.4
Cited half-life: 14.6 years
Article Influence Score: 3.623
Eigenfactor: 0.00985