Accepted Papers

Congratulations on the acceptance of your contribution to MIS Quarterly!

You have 30 days from the date of the Senior Editor’s decision to submit your final material for publication via First Look in ScholarOne Manuscript Central (once your paper is accepted for First Look). When submitting to First Look, you need to provide a Word file (.doc or .docx) of the complete final version of your paper. This version must meet all formatting and style requirements as it will be available as an “Accepted Author Manuscript (AAM)” preprint. “AAM” preprints are citable and have a permanent DOI. Formatting instructions for re-formatting your manuscript into the MISQ style are available here: Formatting Style

Steps to Prepare an Accepted Paper

  1. Removal of Paper on Websites
    1. Now that your paper is accepted, you will need to remove any copies of it online, including personal websites, institutional websites or repositories, SSRN, and ResearchGate.
  2. Format Paper to MISQ Style
    1. Follow this Style Guide for MISQ Authors to format your paper. Following this guide will ensure your paper is available without delays. If you do not format your paper accordingly, you will be asked to revise and resubmit your paper.
  3. Complete the MISQ First Look Checklist
    1. Attached to your acceptance email is also the MISQ First Look Checklist. Complete and submit this file along with your additional manuscript documents.
  4. Sign the Copyright Transfer Agreement
    1. All authors of accepted papers are asked to sign a copyright transfer agreement prior to publication of their article. This is only required from the first author as that author is considered to be acting on behalf of all authors unless the journal is informed otherwise.
    2. Note: The authors are given permission to post the MIS Quarterly final typeset copy of their paper to personal websites and/or institutional repositories five years after the issue’s publication date.
  5. Prepare Additional Files
    1. All figures, graphics, tables, or other images will need to be uploaded as separate files to ensure the highest quality image resolution. This will be in addition to having these items embed in the final draft of the paper.
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