Volume 29
Absorptive Capacity Configurations in Supply Chains: Gearing for Partner-Enabled Market Knowledge Creation
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 1
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Contributing Knowledge to Electronic Knowledge Repositories: An Empirical Investigation
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 1
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Behavioral Intention Formation in Knowledge Sharing: Examining the Roles of Extrinsic Motivators, Social-Psychological Forces, and Organizational Climate
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 1
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Antecedents of Knowledge Transfer from Consultants to Clients in Enterprise System Implementations
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 1
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Why Should I Share? Examining Social Capital and Knowledge Contribution in Electronic Networks of Practice
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 1
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Vicious and Virtuous Circles in the Management of Knowledge: The Case of Infosys Technologies
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 1
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Review: IT-Dependent Strategic Initiatives and Sustained Competitive Advantage: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 4
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The History of Texaco's Corporate Information Technology Function: A General Systems Theoretical Interpretation
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 4
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Intellecutal Property Rights and Cannibalization in Information Technology Outsourcing Contracts
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 4
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The Effects of Virtual Reality on Consumer Learning: An Empirical Investigation
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 4
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Managing Client Dialogues During Information Systems Design to Facilitate Client Learning
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 4
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Information Technology and the Performance of the Customer Service Process: A Resource-Based Analysis
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 4
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Zones of Tolerance: Alternative Scales for Measuring Information Systems Service Quality
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 4
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Taking Industry Seriously in Information Systems Research
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 4
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What Happens After ERP Implementation: Understanding the Impact of Interdependence and Differentiation on Plant-Level Outcomes
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 3
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A Comprehensive Conceptualization of Post-Adoptive Behaviors Associated with Information Technology Enabled Work Systems
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 3
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Understanding User Responses to Information Technology: A Coping Model of User Adaption
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 3
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A Multilevel Model of Resistance to Information Technology Implementation
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 3
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Moving Beyond Intentions and Toward the Theory of Trying: Effects of Work Environment and Gender on Post-Adoption Information Technology Use
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 3
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Model of Adoption and Technology in Households: A Baseline Model Test and Extension Incorporating Household Life Cycle
Year: 2005 / Volume: 29 / Issue: 3