The Information Technology Interaction Model: A Foundation for the MBA Core Course

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This paper presents a teaching model that has been used successfully in the MBA core course in information systems at several universities. The model is referred to as the "Information Technology Interaction Model" because it maintains that the consequences of information systems in organizations follow largely from the interaction of the technology with the organization and its environment. The model serves a number of pedagogical purposes: to integrate the various course components, to provide a formal foundation for the course content, to foster practical analytical skills, and to provide a framework for discussions and student projects. Moreover, the model is intended to acquaint students with the dynamics of information systems in organizations and to help them recognize the benefits, dangers, and limitations of these systems. The paper includes a discussion and examples of how the model can be used for proactive and reactive analyses, and it concludes with observations on the model's effectiveness in the core course.
Additional Details
Author Mark S. Silver, M. Lynne Markus, and Cynthia Mathis Beath
Year 1995
Volume 19
Issue 3
Keywords MBA core course, interaction model, information systems effects, implementation process, organizational context, information systems features, transformation, business cases
Page Numbers 361-390
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