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MIS Quarterly will send the copyright transfer agreement for accepted papers to the authors for signature.
Note: MIS Quarterly does not announce availability of manuscripts under review prior to acceptance. However, authors have every right to post, on their own websites, versions of their manuscripts that are under review at MISQ; however, they cannot state that they are, in fact, under review at MISQ. Once a paper is accepted for publication in MIS Quarterly, all authors must remove it from their websites.
Copyright Notice
Each issue of the MIS Quarterly will contain the following statement regarding the copyright of material appearing in the issue:
Copyright © 2019 by the Management Information Systems Research Center (MISRC) of the University of Minnesota. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and full citation on the first page. Copyright for components of this work owned by others than the MISRC must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists requires prior specific permission and possibly a fee. Request permission to publish from: MIS Quarterly; Carlson School of Management; University of Minnesota; 321 19th Ave. So.; Minneapolis, MN 55455. ISSN: 0276-7783.
Transfer of Copyright Agreement
Authors are required to sign a transfer of copyright agreement, stipulating that the article is original and that the author (or coauthor) holds exclusive copyright of the material. By the act of submission, authors are implicitly agreeing to the transfer of copyright to MIS Quarterly (Management Information Systems Research Center for the Regents of the University of Minnesota) if the submission is accepted for publication.
The following rights are reserved by the author(s):
- The right to use, free of charge, all or part of this article in future work of their own, such as books and lectures, giving reference to the original place of publication and copyright holding.
- The right to reproduce the article for their own purpose provided the copies are not offered for sale.
In addition, the authors will be given permission to post the MIS Quarterly copy of the paper to personal websites and/or institutional repositories five years after the publication date.
If the article contains material copyrighted by another source, the author(s) are required to obtain written permission for the material to be published in the MIS Quarterly. Authors may be required to pay fees associated with permission to use materials from another source.