In-Consumption Information Cues and Online Video Consumption

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Publication History

Received: September 14, 2021
Revised: December 20, 2022; August 11, 2023
Accepted: September 12, 2023
Published in Issue: June 1, 2024

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Online video platforms such as YouTube feature visual cues on progress bars to spotlight standout segments of videos. These cues, designed to steer users toward intriguing content moments, raise questions about their overarching impact on video consumption patterns. In this study, we delve into in-consumption information cues (ICICs), indicators that depict fluctuating video quality in real time. Drawing from a natural experiment on a live streaming platform, we evaluate the effects of engagement graphs. These are visual timelines that emphasize moments favored by prior viewers in video-on-demand (VOD) content, which represent full replays of live stream sessions. Notably, these graphs are only accessible to iOS users, leaving Android users without access. Our results show that ICICs enhance the viewership of VODs and live streams. Moreover, viewers tend to spend more time immersed in live broadcasts, suggesting heightened content appeal. Yet, these engagement graphs do not prompt users to donate more virtual gifts, a vital income stream for streamers. Even with the introduction of ICICs, while there is a rise in video production, the inherent structure of live streams remained largely unchanged. We conclude by discussing the academic and managerial implications of these findings.

Additional Details
Author Jaeung Sim, Kyungmin Choi, Sang Pil Han, and Daegon Cho
Year 2024
Volume 48
Issue 2
Keywords In-consumption information cues, engagement graphs, video on demand, live streaming, natural experiment
Page Numbers 645-678
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