The University of Calgary, Faculty of Management has available
Version 4 of the Calgary Surveys Query System (CSQS 4.0). This
database contains descriptions of information systems articles which
report the use of a survey instrument. It is current to approximately
the end of 1992. CSQS 4.0 can now be download for free subject
to the conditions listed at the bottom of this page. Please contact the
authors if you have any questions.
Version 4 of CSQS contains information on nearly 1200 articles including both those with a survey and also others which have been referenced in survey construction. A "front-end" facilitates scrolling through citations. Articles have been identified from over thirty-five information systems and related journals dating from 1970.
The record for each article captures citation information and sixteen additional data elements. Significant among them are instrument constructs, reliability and validity measures employed, and a freeform description field. The records in the database are assigned unique identifiers allowing references from one study to another. Searches in the database are aided by menu driven access. Screen preview and print utilities are included. This system will benefit researchers wishing to use surveys and may reduce or eliminate the time consuming task of instrument development. Searches of the database will yield articles using like or similar instruments for any given construct (or fixed element).
To enhance the value of the database, the keyword classification scheme of Barki, Rivard, and Talbot (MIS Quarterly - Vol. 12, No 2, 1988, pp 299-309) was applied to surveys reported as both reliable and valid by the authors. An automated glossary of this scheme is included. This allows easy reference to any of the 1100 terms in this classification.
CSQS 4.0 is distributed as one file of 871,587 bytes (CSQS_40W.ZIP). You must have PKUNZIP (tm) or a comparable utility to decompress this file. A fuller description of CSQS is available in the README_W.ASC file included in the compressed file. 640k of memory, DOS 3.1 or higher, and 5 mb of hard disk space are required to run CSQS. No other software package is needed. Note that it will only run under DOS (or a DOS window) and will not run over a network. Once you download and decompress this file, just type CSQS (in DOS) to run the system.
CSQS 4.0 is available for free via downloading if you agree to the following terms:
Click here to indicate your agreement with the above terms and to start the download. When prompted by your browser, select the "Save File..." or similar option.
The authors of CSQS can be contacted by e-mail:
Peter Newsted's address is:,
Sid Huff's address is: and
Malcolm Munro's address is:
The support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of
Canada in the production of this database is gratefully acknowledged.