The Organizational Interface: A Method for Supporting End Users of Packaged Software

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The growth of end-user computing and the trend toward the use of packaged software have focused greater attention on issues related to user support. A varied user population is requiring more tailored support, yet vendor-supplied software with a generic interface is increasingly being used. Four case studies illustrate ways in which organizational forms of support can enhance or overcome the limitations of the software interface. A framework called the organizational interface incorporates these organizational mechanisms by integrating the computer-human interaction (CHI), management information systems (MIS), and end-user computing (EUC) approaches to user support. This framework can be used in the design of end-user systems developed with packaged software and for retrofitting outdated user interfaces for an end-user computing environment. The organizational interface provides IS and end-user managers with a means to consider alternative methods of providing support for systems based on purchased software with fixed user interfaces.
Additional Details
Author Eileen M. Trauth and Elliot Cole
Year 1992
Volume 16
Issue 1
Keywords End-user computing, computer-human interaction, human factors, information centers, software interface, ergonomics, user interface, user support
Page Numbers 35-53
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