The PIOCO Model for Information System Design

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The PIOCO model is a comprehensive methodology for information system s(IS) design consisting of a metamodel for an information system, the corresponding description languages, a process model for information systems design, and a model for choice and quality criteria. The metamodel for an information system consists of three levels of abstraction and forms a profound and articulated conceptual basis for the PIOCO model for the IS design process. The article gives an overview of the PIOCO approach from a management perspective, emphasizing the role of IS design as an inquiry process supporting the decision-making concerning the information system, the quality criteria related to the IS design, and the use of the PIOCO model as a macro-framework which integrates more detailed micro-level methodologies, methods, techniques and tools.
Additional Details
Author Juhani Iivari
Year 1987
Volume 11
Issue 3
Keywords Information systems, systems analysis and design, application development, quality criteria
Page Numbers 401-419
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