*SIM Paper Competition:* USAA-IBM Partnershipsin Information Technology: Managing the Image Project

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The introduction of a large-scale image processing system at United Services Automobile Association (USAA) required both external and internal partnerships. The USAA-IBM external partnership demonstrates how the traditional arms-length relationship between a vendor and a customer evolved into a close relationship of mutual benefit with blurred boundaries between buyer and seller. Two internal partnerships, one within USAA and the other within IBM, illustrate the importance of external partnerships in making an external partnership successful. This paper discusses the “mosaic” of relationships and the “squiggly lines” of responsibility that characterized the internal and external partnerships from the perspective of senior information systems management. The article also provides conceptual frameworks that help in generalizing form the partnership arrangements within USAA’s environments to those of other organizations.
Additional Details
Author Donald R. Lasher, Blake Ives, and Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa
Year 1991
Volume 15
Issue 4
Keywords Partnership, strategic alliances, image processing, user involvement, executive support, large-scale project management
Page Numbers 551-565
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